Tag Archives: HoloceneCalendar

Turkish Tuesdays, New Frames, and a Calendar?

Some ideas, like our calendar, or like women being business leaders, need repeating:

The previous year, 2016, has shown us that the entire world is in need of change, in particular in the ways that we see, or do not see, one another.  Cultural dominance, as  shown by the use of the Gregorian Calendar, is something that frames the world-view of all of us who grow up within Western/European culture.  To build a more inclusive and kinder world, we must learn to reframe our ways of thinking, change our perspectives.

One way of doing this is by watching and creating more shows which show women and other traditionally marginalized groups in positions of authority, such as Turkish businesswoman Güler Sabancı  on Sihirli Annem (2003, episode 36…).

Another way of doing this is to begin using a calendar that is inclusive of all humanity: The Holocene Calendar (El calendario Holoceno.)

Read, Write, Dream, Teach !
January 20th (updated 7 February), 12017 HE

Action Items:

1.) Think of some ways that you believe we could change our cultural ways of thinking.

2.) Share them with us in the comments, here, please.

3.) Write a book, blog post or tweet that uses those ideas, tells a good story, and makes a difference. I’m working on that through my historical fantasy , . If you write a book, once published, please consider donating to your local public library.

Dear Readers, ideas on learning, especially multiple , on-going education and empathy-building, to , & achieve freedom for All HumanKind? 

Support our key #PublicDomainInfrastructure  & for CCOVID-19:
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2. legal aid and Education,
3. , and
4. good
Read, Write -one can add Stayed on Freedom’s Call via the main menu on the ShiraDest web site:




December, 2020 CE = December 12020 HE

Creative Commons License
Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Review: Le Montreur D’Etincelles & Social Empathy to Reconcile Peoples

C’est l’histoire d’un jeunne homme qui doit trouver la façon de unir, à la longue, les deux peuples de sa planète. L’un ne mange pas de viande, l’autre si. Les deux doivent coopérer.

(Date Ethique: 20.8 12014 ere Holocene)

Le montreur d’étincelles”  MontrEtincl(‘The Spark Displayer’), by Christian Grenier is the story of a young man who must find a way to unite, over the long term, the two peoples of his planet.  One eats meat, the other does not. Both must cooperate.

And unite them, he does, with the help of a perpetual calendar!  Nice example in the story of having to use one, and how easy it is to learn quickly.  Also great example of culture-shock, and cooperation, and how a calendar shapes our ways of thinking, and can help build social empathy.


Click here to read, if you like:

B5, Hakan: Muhafiz/Protector,  Lupin, or La Casa de Papel/Money Heist Reviews,


Holistic High School Lessons,


Long Range Nonfiction, or Historical Fiction Writing.

And, also,

Thoughtful Readers, if you are able, please consider sharing   #Project DoBetter.


Creative Commons License
Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Mindful Mondays, Adulting self-education, and a Year Zero

The common good, or the general welfare, it seems to me, must take into account how we collectively manage our time, and how we collectively frame our ways of denoting that time.  On-going legal & financial pro-bono education (aka Adulting Education), I think, must be taken in the overall context of modern life, which must become more fully inclusive for all of us.

An inclusive Calendar may be a good start for re-framing the way we think and communicate, which works with Non-violent Communication (NVC) to change our culture and thus our world.  The Holocene Epoch is a clearly defined geological era, at the start of big agriculture. It was first suggested by an Italian-American scientist, Cesare Emiliani.  Matching our calendar to the start of that geological epoch sets a year Zero at the point when human effects start to make visible changes to the earth that makes it clearly inhabited by intelligent life (despite the famous Star Trek joke!):

The Holocene Calendar, a calendar beginning at about the start of visible effects of human activity on the earth (around 12,000 years ago), is easier to use, understand, and teach because it has a year Zero.

Unlike most calendars, which begin their counts at some point in the history of one particular group, the Holocene Calendar is meant to include all of humanity.  It’s also a lot easier to teach kids history.  More importantly, having an inclusive calendar means we all learn to think of ourselves as human beings, all living in the Holocene or Human Era.

Read, Write, Dream, Teach !

30 March, 12016 HE

So, it turns out that School House Rock had a clip on Zero as a number, which gives a great explanation, except for the part about zero being invented by cavemen -0 was invented in India and transmitted to Europe(ean Monks) by the Arabs during the medieval Dark Ages.

Adoption of the Holocene Calendar and a Year Zero is a bigger question: Congress, the UN, and lots of other governments would have to agree. So far, everyone has just adopted Gregorian out of convenience…

Action Items:

1.) Search for two different sources related to the Holocene Epoch and to the Holocene Calendar.

2.) Share them with us in the comments, here, please.

3.) Share your thoughts on how a calendar based on the Holocene Epoch might help, or hinder, inclusive thinking,

4.) Write a book, blog post or tweet that uses an alternate calendar, tells a good story, and makes a difference. I’m working on that through my historical fantasy #WiP, #WhoByFireIWill. If you write a book, once published, please consider donating to your local public library.

Dear Readers, ideas on learning, especially multiple , on-going education and empathy-building, to , & achieve freedom for All HumanKind? 

Support our key #PublicDomainInfrastructure  & for CCOVID-19:
1. ,
2. legal aid and Education,
3. , and
4. good
Read, Write -one can add Stayed on Freedom’s Call via the ShiraDest web site main menu, Ranked Choice Voting and Housing for ALL!!, Teach and Learn (Lesson Plans)!


Yassas,   γεια σας!    Salût !  Nos vemos!  Görüşürüz!     ! שָׁלוֹם


December, 2020 CE = December 12020 HE


Creative Commons License
Shira Destinie Jones by ShiraDest is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Spanish Sundays, Words, and societal health

Thank you, Ms. Bechdel!  The words we use, especially about groups with less power in society, matter, and must become more fully inclusive for the health all of us: 

While watching El Ministerio del Tiempo with me, a friend commented that it was already passing the Bechdel test for sexism in films/TV shows in the first 20 minutes of the first episode, and then explained that the test also applies to racism in the media.  The importance of this is not just to hit political correctness marks, but to show the impact that words have on both our personal and our cultural development.

After watching the recent electoral campaign, I am more convinced than ever that we as a society need to learn how to think critically, to investigate fully, and above all, to put ourselves in the histories and shoes of the other (see the #SafetyPin movement…).  We need to learn to speak and think Non-Violently, and to think and act inclusively.  Not just for ourselves, but for our posterity.

If there is still a  habitable planet in another hundred years for our posterity, that is.  Even if not, who would want the coming generations to live in fear and aggression in what is left of humanity’s time on this earth?

Read, Write, Dream, Teach !

based on a post I originally wrote on November 9th, 12016 HE

I later learned that But, they had to be two named ladies, discussing something important…

Action Items:

1.) Tell us about a show you enjoy watching that passes the B. test, and at what point you see that it passes the test.

2.) Write a book, blog post or tweet that references that moment in the show (or a similar moment), tells a good story, and makes a difference. I’m working on that through my historical fantasy #WiP, #WhoByFireIWill. If you write a book, once published, please consider donating to your local public library.

Dear Readers, ideas on learning, especially multiple , on-going education and empathy-building, to , , & achieve freedom for All HumanKind? 

Support our key #PublicDomainInfrastructure  & for CCOVID-19:
1. ,
2. legal aid and Education,
3. , and
4. good
Read, Write -one can add Stayed on Freedom’s Call via this GR button:


 Nos vemos!  


December, 2020 CE = December 12020 HE


Creative Commons License
Shira Destinie Jones by ShiraDest is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Moody Mondays and libraries for change

Here is a post I wrote a few years ago linking libraries, among other things, to the War on Poverty (any one remember President LBJ, whom I missed, but read of…):


Change has to come. But it does not have to be bloody. Yes, local elections, won in large numbers, can change things if the Federal government allows the change. But at the same time, I am convinced, we must have cultural change in order for the practical changes to take hold. Otherwise there will be no understanding of the importance of the changes, and no will to make the sacrifices needed for the changes to come about.
1. Get people thinking in terms of cooperation -I am my Brother’s (and Sister’s) Keeper
2. Get people thinking in terms of humanity rather than individuals:
       1.) start using the Human Era (Holocene Calendar) (2014 AD =12014 HE)
       2.) start encouraging workers cooperatives, food coops, consumer coops, and babysitting coops
       3.) teach everyone why Voluntary Simplicity is important, and walk together.
     4.) share the facts that water can make you healthier, and share brown rice together at meals -Oh, yes: Share Meals together with neighbors and friends!

3. Petitions, letters and walking, of course. Walking to the library, coop, or work, and walking in peaceful demonstrations as well as walking to the offices of lawmakers.

Many more suggestions have obviously been made at the policy level by many people, such as strengthening the Public Library system and a single payer Universal Health Care System with housing reform that ensures we all have housing. This is all local level or State level implementation that winning local elections would help with, but education and cultural change cements. Even just starting to talk and think in different ways is a possible start.
Be well, everyone,
UN Date: Saturday, October 21. 12014 H.E. (Holocene Era)

Yassas,   γεια σας!    Salût !  Nos vemos!  Görüşürüz!     ! שָׁלוֹם

Action Items in support of eliminating poverty that you can take right now:

1.) Search for two different ways to help fund your local  Public Library system.

2.) Share them with us in the comments, here, please.

Dear Readers, any additional ideas toward learning, especially multiple as part of on-going education and empathy-building, to , & achieve freedom for All HumanKind? 

Support our key #PublicDomainInfrastructure  & #StopSmoking for CCOVID-19:
1. ,
2. legal aid and Education,
3. , and
4. good
Read, Write

Stayed on Freedom's Call: Cooperation Between Jewish And African-American Communities In Washington, DC, Ranked Choice Voting and Housing for ALL!!, Teach and Learn (Lesson Plans)!


NaNoWriMo 2020 CE

November, 2020 CE = 12020 HE

(The previous lesson plan since this post, and the most recent lesson plan…)

Review: Voices of Cherokee Women, by Carolyn Ross Johnston

Calendars really do make a difference. Not an obvious one in terms of the way most people think about things, but they shape the very ways in which we frame and thus see our world, and how we imagine what might or might not be possible. Calendars, culture, and taking responsibility for our own continued learning as adults in a modern democracy (well, republic, actually), are all part of Adulting Education. Understanding how our calendar shapes our ways of thinking is a first step, hopefully, toward accepting the use of the Holocene Calendar as one more tool in our toolbox of empathy-building tools.

In my review of a book on Cherokee Women’s Voices, I commented that the change in the calendar, from the traditional East Coast native American way of seeing time, to the Gregorian Calendar, played a large role in cementing the ‘civilization’ plan to Europeanize Native Americans:

Voices of Cherokee Women  is a well-written chronicle, from pre-contact to modern times, of how Cherokee women went from respected voices in the community to silence, and back again. Telling many stories again from another perspective (particularly Mooney and Lt. Timberlake, whose accounts look different when viewed through the lense of women’s history), this book shows another side of the story. Our story.

Acceptance of the Gregorian system of time-measurement, which came with more quickly produced (manufactured) goods, led to rejection of a more feminine calendar, and thus eventually to acceptance of European religion (at the point of trader debt and guns, admittedly), loss of the Tsalagi language in favor of English, and a forced acceptance of the ‘Civilizing’ program: an attempt to replace the Cherokee way of thinking, respect for mothers and honored women, with the domestication of obedient ladies: a European way of thinking.

These essays show more than just how Cherokee women went from equality to inequality and back again. They show how the imposition of calendar, religion, language and ‘civilization’ led to the loss of a more open and flexible way of thinking.


originally posted on : Wednesday, 24 September 2014

But I wonder whether all the work those in the Calendar Reform movement do will really lead to the cultural change, and hence the world change, that we want to see?  An inclusive calendar could, hopefully, make people think more open-mindedly, or at least think in terms of Humanity rather than just the Christianity of 2014 AD, or Judaism’s 5773, or Islam’s 1400 years? But are we calendar reformers too optimistic? How do we all come to think of ourselves as just human beings, rather than Black, White, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, American, Russian, Ukranian, etc?

In Service to Community Cooperation, and Fraternity,


Yassas,   γεια σας!    Salût !  Nos vemos!  Görüşürüz!     ! שָׁלוֹם

Action Items in support of literacy and hope that you can take right now:

1.) Search for two different sources discussing how our calendar frames our way of thinking.

2.) Share them with us in the comments, here, please.

Dear Readers, any additional ideas toward learning, especially multiple as part of on-going education and empathy-building, to , & achieve freedom for All HumanKind? 

Support our key #PublicDomainInfrastructure  & for CCOVID-19:
1. ,
2. legal aid and Education,
3. , and
4. good
Read, Write about community cooperation, Ranked Choice Voting and Housing for ALL!!, Lesson Plans: Algebra, Empathy Building, and HiSET/GED/High School EquivalencyTeach and Learn (Lesson Plans)!


NaNoWriMo 2020 CE

November, 2020 CE = 12020 HE

the very oldest Day 35/67, High School Equivalency in Five Months plan: End of week 9/18

Click here for the up to date day 35 lesson plan set, please…

Week Nine:
Day 35 Lesson Plan, Week 9, Thursday, 1 November, 2018 Grammar: plural nouns ending in ‘f’ Math: Area of a circle Day 35 Exit Tix
All of the lesson plans can be found for All Weeks: 1-18, here……

My #historical #fantasy #WiP shows a man striving to save his family, at any cost.

Social Justice Action Items:

read and share this previous related post about a modern family’s fight for justice

(which came from a recent ProPublica article co-published with The New Yorker).

Let’s , , & starting by improving these four parts of our good 4:
1. ,
2. legal aid and Education,
3. , and
4. good
Read, Write, Ranked Choice Voting and Housing for ALL!!!!, Walk !

for CCOVID-19

scheduled in:  September, 12020 HE

very oldest of Day 34/67, High School Equivalency in Five Months plans, Middle of week 9/18

Week Nine: but the newest plan and reading lesson set is really here:  click
Lesson plan, Day 34, Wk 9, Wednesday, 31 October, 2018 Grammar: semicolons and colons fr Khan Academy How to find the height of a triangle Math: Circles and Pi See Computer Model with today’s reading Day 34 Exit Tix
All of the lesson plans can be found for All Weeks: 1-18, here……

My #historical #fantasy #WiP shows a man striving to save his family, at any cost.

Social Justice Action Items:

read and share this previous related post about a modern family’s fight for justice

(which came from a recent ProPublica article co-published with The New Yorker).

Let’s , , &  starting by improving these four parts of our good 4:
1. ,
2. legal aid and Education,
3. , and
4. good
Read, Write about Black-Jewish community cooperation in DC, Ranked Choice Voting and Housing for ALL!!!!, Walk !

for CCOVID-19

scheduled in:  September, 12020 HE