All posts by ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

About ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Shira Destinie Jones is founder of #ProjectDoBetter, a long term plan proposal for community building, and a published poet, academic author, and advocate for improving our #PublicDomainInfrastructure. Her other book, Stayed on Freedom's Call, on Black-Jewish Cooperation in DC, is freely available via the Internet Archive. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations, and is a native of Washington, DC. She promotes peaceful planning, NVC and the Holocene Calendar, and is also a writer. More information at

Unhealthy Review: L’homme de Neige (SnowMan) by Michel Bergeron, on Omer Day 24

I read this book some months ago, courtesy of a Public Library, and found it to be extremely well written, and extremely saddening. Take heed of this caution, if you are faltering in your will to believe in human kindness. This is not a work, however well written it may be, that you ought to be reading. It may well end what little belief you have in the goodness of mankind. In reading it, I was reminded that there are some people, many do not trouble themselves to call such people human beings, for whom even the worst and most reprehensible of actions are not beyond taking. I knew, of course, from past personal experience, especially during my childhood, that there are many bad actors among the members of the human race, but this book brought that memory back home with an impact that was stunning. I think I was unable to eat for three days. Some of the action in the book was in fact predictable before the very end, but the final twist did indeed come as a horrifying surprise.

This day, 24 of the Omer, emphasizes all kinds of health care, which one may well need to think of after reading this book, especially for public mental health care, and public transportation, which clearly ties in with public health in various ways, but after reading this book, and I do hope that it is not available in English, even if it is well written, you may well need to take public transportation. Being so impacted by a book that it is not safe to drive is one more good reason for us to have good and accessible mass transit!

Oh, yes, and remember that this terrifying book is called The Snow Man, not to be confused with Alexandre Dumas’ book The Snow Ball, which was a wonderful read!


Passing: A Third Excerpt Cut From My Rough Draft, on Day 23 of The Omer

    This paragraph is  one that I cut from my former and maybe still current WiP, working title Passing:

Those saddlebags I had packed, which she was carrying along with me when shot, contained my still bloody sewing scissors, as no one had had the time to think of cleaning them. Smith had been overheard boasting that he could now use them to give his wretched hunting dogs a fresher sample of my scent, the better to hunt me and my friends down with as soon as he was authorized to do so, and this by his master, the Senator, not by the laws of any northern state. Had I thought to get rid of them, or at least to clean them, this, at least, would not be one more weapon that I had given to our enemies. What made it even worse was the fact that it might have been true even earlier. I wondered if it were possible for Smith to have hidden one of his special bloodhounds that the Senator had told me about, after that first time. He’d boasted of having paid for some special kind of surgery on the poor animal that rendered it incapable of barking, so that it could be used to search in utter silence, tracing its prey without giving away its presence, as dogs normally did. If that were so, then I realized with growing horror that Smith could be using that animal even now, to track us, or me, and with me, Anna, maria_weems_escaping_in_male_attire_28page_220_crop29 for the reward that Charles Price must have on her, far more effectively if it had smelled my blood on those scissors.

Now, at least, I knew of one thing that I could do. I could dispose of those bloody scissors. I would have to consult with others who knew more than I as to whether the blood could effectively be cleaned off of them, or in what place and manner they could best be disposed of so as not to lead a trail directly back to myself, and with me, everyone else.

     This paragraph was from page 234 to 235, out of a total of 311.  There will more dead darlings assuredly.

    It is based, obviously to those who were following my writing last year or so, on my earlier popular series here that was called Ann & Anna, which I used as the Act I for the rough draft and quick pass of a horrible First Draft of my new novel Passing, with some modification, of course.  You can find out what the Rough First Draft looks like, if you wish, be requesting it in the comments.  I still hope to finish shaping it into a proper novel, one day, but today is not that day, and it looks like this year is also not that year.  As for the Omer, this year, today, Thursday May 16th, is Day 23rd Day of the Omer, and my non-traditional counting grid ShiraDestOmerD23 emphasizes public transportation, which Willow could not use in her escape, at least not up from the Federal City and through Maryland, but we shall see if that changes later, up North, and housing of course is crucial for everyone at all times, back in 1855, and in our time, today.



Click on the ShiraDest website main menu to find other pages, including:

Learning via Holistic College Algebra & GED/High School Lesson Plans,


 Learning from Long Range Nonfiction, or Historical Fiction Writing (including explanation of Who By Fire…)

     Thoughtful Readers, please consider reading about #ProjectDoBetter.

Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil, MAT, BSCS

This project of ShiraDest Publishing, and Shira Destinie Jones’ reviewing of Turkish shows and films, is non-commercial share-alike, but otherwise All Rights Reserved to the author, (Copyright 2023). 

Who By Fire, Scene 28/46, and Planning the Midpoint on Empathy Day 22 of The Omer?

    This scene was meant to be part of the ‘Midpoint Twist’ or turning point in the main plot, but it didn’t end up falling where I had hoped it would, after I began writing based on my well-laid plans. (Today the Omer count, which emphasizes empathy and mass transit, will come after this scene planning memoir…)

Who By Fire rough draft,  mostly written in ’20:


                        scene 28/46 (M17/30 as planned, but 17/31 as drafted…)

Purpose:SuspctMinnieWorstGossip-Betrayal; StoryPart:MiddleActII

setting: time, AfterKillerStorm18Aug New Info: …

freshdw M19 DISASTER & stakes (pref. Via Betrayal) (62.5%) Reminded of antag forces: Angelo returns (or his minion) to deliver msg:

– wife CHOSE to go to LA, thus Isaias’ kids really his?? (since she can’t possibly love him!)

-what’s I. Got to live for anyway, have the revenge!!! Suspects/Finds out Minnie of having betrayed through gossip (or worse??Knows she doesn’t like/root for his Wife nor for his son Jean/Johnny…) (USE this to show what’s at stake!!!)

find out: Minnie manpltd grapvine agnst (seems like JPM, but Angelos behind it all…), hates Lucy

-’Angelo’ returns a msg via Minnie

*** (end of scene 28/46, M17)

***end of  Scene from very Rough Draft of my practice novel no more (abandoned, now) Historical Fantasy, Who By Fire

Here, by the way, was the plan I used, or the meta-plan, as we used to say, for planning out the scenes and character bibles, including my novel planning notes incorporated into my spreadsheet cells so as to facilitate the task of planning out all of my character’s intentions, voices, events that would happen to them during the story, and incidents that had already happened to them before this story began, aka backstory planning.  I discovered that using a spreadsheet for my character bibles seemed logical and organized, but in practice was a disaster, so here is what I have:

  • write up synopses (1, 2 & 7 page/Long synopsis) & scene list criteria

    • 1 paragraph/1 page synopsis is NOT same as back cover copy

      • Synopsis tells:

        • genre

        • MCs: protag, Antag, sidekick1 & maybe s2

        • Main Conflict

        • Narrative arc. From inciting incident to ending:

          • setup

          • rising action

          • climax

          • falling action

          • denouement

        • Written in: third person, present tense. A good synopsis is single-spaced and typed, with a word count between 500 and 700 words

          • Reveal it all

          • Convey your voice. Your synopsis is an extension of your writing style, so make sure the writing is in line with your voice.

      • “In paragraph one, introduce your hero, the conflict, and the world.

      • In paragraph two, explain which major plot turns happen to your hero. Pick only the big ones. It’s a good idea to include a mention of your villain and the most important secondary character (sidekick or love interest).”

      • In paragraph three, describe how the novel’s major conflicts are resolved. You must reveal the ending.

      • From previous high level pitch and précis to synopsis

      • See all those notes packing my boxes in storage now

      • src links: synopsis writing

    • 2 page synopsis

    • write long-synopsis just in case (see notes…)

    • make Scene List with chapter breaks at cliff-hangers (see spreadsheet…)

      • scene list

      • Think of each scene as a separate short story, able to stand on its own. As such, it should have a dynamic opening which thrusts the reader right into the scene. It should have a middle that delivers something essential to the novel as a whole. It should have an ending that generates enough suspense to compel the reader into the next scene. And all this needs to be done in an entertaining way.

      • 1. Suspend disbelief, 2. Make readers care about the character(s) and 3. Make them want something that might not happen—or make them dread something that might.

      • What are the characters trying to do and why is it worth telling a story about them provide plot twists?

      • per scene

      • Links and notes taken directly from online sources: scene outlining:

  • Research:

    • No ice cream anymore, but maybe had some as a ‘reward’ as a kid…

      • preservation maryland History of ice cream in Baltimore

    • Figure out how to get Isaiah and an educated Jewish dock worker to meet and spend time together

      • Under what circumstances would they have time and privacy for him to tell or teach him about relevant quotes from the book of Isaiah and Genesis?

        • Blds his self esteem

        • Puts idea and knowledge of the sword in reach

      • Meir is from & left Bavaria in 1837 (Jewish persecution…)

      • Brackett, negro in Maryland

      • Piet and Piet, Early Catholic records in Baltimore

      • The Georgetown memory project Freedom suits especially the queen family

    • slave lawsuits for freedom: Queen v Hepburn

    • : ironic: ” Tappan’s firm, the Mercantile Agency, built on his abolitionist connections to create a nationwide network of credit reporters that was the direct predecessor of today’s credit ratings firms.”

  • working title: Book I in “Death to Birth” trilogy, starts with book about protag’s death AND HashTag!!!

    • “I Will…” **

    • Who by Fire: I Will

    • whoByFireIwill

    • “I do.”

  • start novel journal & binder with char. Bible

    • journal notebook just for thoughts about progress & feelings on this wip

    • Binder for ALL papers related in Any way to this wip!! (including journal & char. bible: slots inside the binder…)

  • Character Bible

    • All 3: Josias, I. & Johnny: leftys

    • Protag is born as Isaias:

      • Book I Protag. char arc:
        Key quote…

        • during Book I, learns/finds out:

          • there is a hell

          • there is a G-d

            • that this God is not entirely malevolent/uncaring

            • that God’s

              • doing the best he can with what he has to work with so far…

              • got several irons in the fire

              • has other options for the exceptional??

              • trying to make things better faster without ruining the cake…

        • spiritual arc, BookI

          • disbelief, to

          • hating God, to

          • understanding God’s paradox vis. humanity

        • emotional arc:

          • Am I not the right hand of Vengeance, and the Left hand of death?

          • being too angry/exhausted/traumatized to care about anyone else, i.e. selfish (VENGEful)

          • to…

          • self-sacrifice, i.e. less selfish for JUSTICE for all kids (slave/free/white…)

            • even for his enemies children!!

      • Possible protagonist name:

        • Middle name??

          • does he want or choose one?

        • Isaias

          • No surname

        • Frank Worth,

        • Adam Smith

        • Arnold Jones *** (MD escaped Lost Jesuit Slave…)

        • Micah Joelson, Jobs, Jonas

        • Neil Godspell,

        • Adam Shields

        • Angela Shields

        • Victoria Stone

        • Nika Peterson

    • Antag:

      • Josiah P. McDevell

        • speculator fr New orleans

        • secret = pedophile

      • See suplot2 page in binder…

    • Isaias’ son

      • Young

      • Captured by constables

      • Wanted for carnal beauty by antagonist

    • Subplot1 friend or ally -name!!

      • Goal: a surname

      • He needs a friend or smartass or a wise ass sidekick number to

        • Minnie

        • to act as a foil and

        • helping find his ideas will

        • shoot them down or just sarcastically somehow help him realize and

        • reshape and sharpen what he’s thinking.

    • Subplot 2 : the apparent bad guy

      • Jo. Philmore McDevell

    • Subplot3: romance

      • Love interest/sidekick is is still enslaved wife, who is about to be sold down to Louisiana by Georgetown college with everyone else from the old plantations in southern Maryland.  FancyQuadroonNYMet

    • Minor chars ?

      • Friend of one of Isaias’ kids who gets molested

      • killer angel/elemental/being

      • msnger angel

      • child(ren) being harmed

      • chld molester

      • God

      • Satan

    • Angelo

      • msenger devil/demon

    • Isaias’ guardian angel

And today is Day 22 of the Omer, on which I am counting with the non-traditional ideas in this grid: ShiraDestOmerDay22  .  Today is all about how empathy and public transportation combine with each other, which is a difficult one for me, because I so often have been moved to tears on the approach to a metro station seeing all of the people lining the sidewalks at the entrances, suffering from want.   Yet public transportation, when it is clean, efficient, and accessible, fills a vital public need, and can also in itself help build empathy if riders try.  It also takes and in turn builds empathy to support improvements in the mass transit system.  What do you think, Thoughtful Readers?



Click on the ShiraDest website main menu to find other pages, including:

Learning via Holistic College Algebra & GED/High School Lesson Plans,


 Learning from Long Range Nonfiction, or Historical Fiction Writing (including explanation of Who By Fire…)  whobyfireiwilltmpcover

     Thoughtful Readers, please consider reading about ProjectDoBetter.

Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil, MAT, BSCS

This project of ShiraDest Publishing, and Shira Destinie Jones’ Rough Draft of Who By Fire is All Rights Reserved, (Copyright 2023, 2024) ,but some rights to characters and setting of this work can be passed to another author willing to build on this work and credit my initial start on this work.

Turkish Tuesday, is Back with Sihirli Annem (My Magical Mom) s1e41: Childish Adults on Day 21 of the Omer?

  Last episode was bölüm/episode 40, which you can find with all of the other episodes, linked at the end of this review:     

   First, the episode begins with Suzan being a bit child-like, wanting to have a girls night out, and then Taci behaves like a child with Dudu’s new love interest, Kendal Bey, telling her that the phone was left off the hook when he actually told her almost-new-boyfriend to go away.  Then, the kids, Cem and Ceren, are being very childish in the bathroom, fighting, and finally, the littlest kid, Çilek, continues to be very childish by both pouting about wanting to play with the Magical Time Crystal Ball, a powerful and dangerous tool, which Perihan has forbidden anyone to touch, and then continuing to call Yavuz, the adult son of Kendal Bey, by his name, rather than adding the honorific abi, which is required of most kids in Turkey when addressing an adult of just the next generation older than they are (kids and even adults address older persons by Name+Teyze or Name+Amca out of similar respect).  Even Yavuz is behaving like a child, in calling Sadık dostum, a bit like calling a co-worker ‘pal’ rather than addressing him by his name.

Naturally, Dudu is being child-like, insisting on going with Kendal Bey to the cafe, which is a young people’s meeting place.  Of course this means that they run into Yavuz and Eda, both of whom end up being told off by their parents and sent home.  Meanwhile, of course, little Çilek is busy looking for the forbidden Time Crystal Ball, even magically faking the voice of Firuze and thus lying to Betüş, and then playing with the tool, while neighbor Avni spies on her, in his child-like way, as usual.  When the news of the littlest child’s mischief comes out, Suzan is at her most child-like, desperate to find out the news that has nothing to do with her.

One of the things I love most about this show is how it models, or rather how Betüş models good parenting.  She never hits any of the kids, and as far as I can recall, never even yells at them.  Even when little Çilek is at her worst, she never yells, even when she needs to restrain her from hitting or using her magic to do harm.  Betüş always explains, sometimes more patiently than others, of course, but always explains, discusses, and works to get buy-in and agreement from the kids, even from little Çilek.

Another thing I love is the way looks are exchanged in order to communicate non-verbally, far more often among Turks, I think, than in Anglophone societies (at least in the US).

And I love how both kids give push back on their parents selfish behavior when Kendal Bey asks his son, Yavuz, why he couldn’t find another girl to fall in love with, and Yavuz tells his father not to tell him who he can or cannot fall in love with.  Eda is not quite as firm with her mother, simply throwing a minor temper tantrum at Dudu, but following far more meekly.  Taci, Eda and Betüş’s father, faces the risk of abuse from Dudu in order to tell her that she has no right to tell their daughter who to fall in love with.  Fortunately, Perihan arrives just in time to protect both Taci and Eda from Dudu’s wrath.

I also love how Turks generally work to make peace with other people, both in families, as shown in this episode, and also as I saw in Izmir at work, when all of my colleagues gathered around for over an hour to comfort and support a weeping co-worker who was in tears over her credit card debt, something which shocked me both for the communal support at work, and also the very fact that they did not simply tell her that it was all her fault for spending too much.  Likewise, here, this episode shows family members taking lots of time and patience to resolve disputes and problems between even the kids, where in most other societies, I think, the offending and/or offended parties would all be told to ‘get over it’ and “deal.”

Yet, while Dudu is childishly pouting about her punishment from Perihan, Taci manages to get through to her and persuade her to go to her hurting daughter, closed up in her room for hours.  What they find shocks them: somehow little Çilek has managed to return her aunt Eda to a state of about 4 years old, which delights Dudu, but enrages a powerless Eda.  Even Perihan is apparently unable to undo little Çilek’s magic, shocking them all.  What I love about this show is that even with this wicked little act of rebellion, no one raises a hand against the little rebellious fairy child, nor even raises a voice (well, Dudu does occasionally shout at her, but Taci always reproves her for it).  And of course, the powerless Eda threatens to cream the poor little kid, who merely laughs at her, and demands that in return for being returned to her adult state, she must not continue to date Yavuz!  What a daring little creature our 5 year old Strawberry is!

(Note that this Featured Image of pouting comes from an earlier episode…)
Side note, that today, Tuesday May 14th ’22,  is the 21st day of the Omer: ”

6 Iyyar · Mon night, מַּלְכוּת שֶׁבְּתִּפאֶרֶת
Majesty within Beauty

”  -thanks again, Hebcal.

My personal Day 21 of the Omer MyOmrDay21 nested idea set is Health care and Free legal debt-related education, which both require good healthy support for kids from families and friends, both in a mental health regard, and also in a physical health regard, of course.  Kids also need to be taught how to keep themselves safe from financial predators, and how to keep themselves up to date on changing laws related to debt and consumer finance.  I think that this show does model that, as we shall see in upcoming episodes.  (Later update: too bad I didn’t think of this updated review title until after it posted…)
Next week, hopefully, we will see bolum/epidosde 42 which is listed with all of the previous episode reviews on the page for Sihirli Annem/My Magical Mother and Hakan/TheProtector reviews, linked below as part of the work of Project Do Better, and showing how we can learn from shows like My Magical Mother and other TV shows for families.
Hoşça kalın!



Click on the ShiraDest site menu, above any post in your browser, for more ways to learn through Story, Lessons, or Reading:

Stories can help us learn:  Babylon5, Hakan:Muhafiz/The ProtectorSihirli Annem/My Magical MotherLupin: Dans l’ombre d’Arsène, or La Casa De Papel/Money Heist, El Ministerio del Tiempo  Reviews Page,

And of course,

free  GED/HiSET Night School Lesson Plans with connected readings Page,

           But learning by reading, both

novels and short stories or short true narratives that read like stories, is an effective emotional experience as well as learning experience:  My Nonfiction  & Historical Fiction Serial Writing Page.

     Fellow Change Dreamers, does this episode, in your opinion(s), work as part of  Project Do Better and the work of providing learning tools via reviews of shows like Sihirli Annem,  and its idea for learning via story,  as part of  modeling emotional learning and maturation?

Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

First Reading of Parashat Emor on Day 20 of the Omer: Health Care & Public Libraries

I mentioned earlier that I really don’t get into this particular parashah, most years, until after the Monday morning reading, which is the first public Torah reading, of Parashat Emor. The year before last, I made some comments that do not seem, this year, to be very clear, as I read them again. It’s bad when you read your own comments from just two years ago and cannot remember what you meant to say. This is why the Rabbis established the Chevrutah (partner learning) system. Anyone want to study Torah (or even Daf Yomi) in the Public Library with me? So, back in 12022, I said:

“The parashah also details some of the use of that authority for gathering purposes,” which I assume was meant to refer to the use of authority for gathering in resources for later use, I hope, kind of like what Joseph did in Egypt. But without the turning everyone into the property of the big guy, Pharaoh, of course. Hopefully. Like, gathering volunteered resources to improve local neighborhood public libraries, hopeful. But now, I need to reread the parashah to figure out what on earth I was talking about. Obviously authority had much to do with it.

Sorry about that, folks. We’re now just past the halfway point in the Torah, and parshiot are starting to get longer, as they do for the summer, when we read some of the longest portions of the year, if I recall correctly. Many a parashah in this book, Leviticus/VaYikrah, are a leyner’s nightmare, due to the repetitive nature of the text as details of sacrifices and layout of the Tabernacle are described. But Parashat Emor (פָּרָשַׁת אֱמוֹר) does not, as I recall, give us much interesting gristle to chew on. Just gristle. I’ll chew on it some more while reading the text. Feel free to chew me out for being lame today. I’ll get back to the main library tomorrow, since it is better equiped.

So, Sunday night begins the 20th day of the Omer:

205 Iyyar · Sun night, 12 Mayיְּסוֹד שֶׁבְּתִּפאֶרֶת
Foundation within Beauty
Hebcal’s Day 20 line of their grid for the Omer count, this year, 5784.


Thanks once more, HebCal, for giving us The Official Ideas nested ideas for the day, .

And once again, here is my personal idea note as, it hit me some years ago , in a post jotted down quickly back then, with my own not so official ideas:

And getting back to the connection between public health and the public library system, it should be obvious, based on the number of people who get so much information on public health and on getting to their doctor’s appointments via information desk employees at our public libraries, not to mention the social workers rotated into many inner city libraries in cities like San Diego, and even the role that library staff play in administering anti-overdose medications like Narcan in public spaces, that libraries are a critical part of the American public health infrastructure, nowadays. Not only for information on health and body basics, but even for providing information on how to access resources like public transportation or rides for the elderly and disabled to doctors’ appointments, and of course providing information on why and how to get vaccinations of various types, and obviously the updating of basic public health sanitation information for current events related issues. So my Omer count includes the intersection of these two key public resources so that we can remember to support and improve both of them, which gives more in the sum than either of the individual parts. Or the whole, when combined, is greater than the sum of its parts, as the saying goes.

Shavuah Tov, and healthy counting at the library, gang,


Speaking of Parashat Emor on Day 19 of the Omer: Hope in Health Care

Sunday begins the new week, and the new parashah, פָּרָשַׁת אֱמוֹר in this case, which begins with the word Say/Speak, hence the name of the Parashah, although we actually read the first three aliyot of this week’s parashah at Minchah on the Shabbat before the week officially starts (but since by the time you daven minchah, Havdalah cannot be far off, I guess it was deemed a good idea to start in on the new parashah a bit early…). So, Motzei Shabbat begins the 19th day of the Omer:

  • Saturday night, 11 May 2024
  • 4 Iyyar 5784
  • 19th day of the Omer
  • הַיּוֹם תִּשְׁעָה עָשָׂר יוֹם, שְׁהֵם שְׁנֵי שָׁבוּעוֹת וַחֲמִשָּׁה יָמִים לָעֽוֹמֶר
  • Today is 19 days, which is 2 weeks and 5 days of the Omer
  • הוֹד שֶׁבְּתִּפאֶרֶת
  • Hod sheb’Tiferet
  • Splendor within Beauty


Thanks again, HebCal, with the traditional Jewish idea set .

My personal idea set is here, originally explained, in a post some years ago, with my personal 7×7 concept of non-official ideas:

To be frank, I don’t remember too much in general about Emor until we start reading on Monday mornings, most years, and then by the Thursday morning reading I have generally started to catch up. So, give me a few days on this parashah, please, and do feel free to contribute your own thoughts on it: (I am quoting HebCal, which gives the Sefaria location/translation choices, out of lack of time/energy to do better at the moment)

Parashat Emor is the 31st weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.

Torah Portion: Leviticus 21:1-24:23

Emor (“Say”) opens with laws regulating priestly behavior, working in the Mishkan (Tabernacle), and consuming sacrifices and priestly food. It describes the biblical holidays of Passover, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, and ends with a story about a blasphemer and his punishment

Project Do Better focuses heavily on public health care, which is of course one reason that Health Care figures so prominently in my personal seven (forming the 7×7 Project Do Better grid, at least for the ShiraDest community of the Project, since every community is free to shape the Project to their own needs…) concepts.

I am still in the week of Health care, and day 5 of each week is Hope. I see that I will need to do something about the image, as it is getting cut off mostly by day 5. My idea for this day is that hope is an integral part of healing. Anyone care to elaborate on that for me, please?

I hope that tomorrow I will have time to Do Better.

Shabbat Shalom, and I Hope for accessible Health Care for all of Humanity,


Ending the Week of Parashat K’doshim on a Chai Note

Chai, Y’all, as some Jewish Southerners, like my friend Dvorah/Elizabeth, who now lives in an Intentional Community, like to say! Today is Shabat Parashat Kedoshim, assuming that my scheduled post has not gone awry, which is Life Day, Chai, Day 18 of the Omer, and our final and full reading (ok, on the Full Kriyah, aka the Annual Cycle, which is mostly only still read in the Orthodox world, the vast majority of Conservative/Masorti, Reform, and Reconstructionist congregations, Chavurot, and Minyanim having gone with the Triennial cycle years ago) of this parashah, and my last comment on the importance, even the beauty, of standing up for one another, and working hard not to do to our neighbor that which is hateful to ourselves. Hopefully I will have time to ponder and maybe even leyn/chant again from this parashah next year, and thanks again, HebCal:

  • Friday night, 10 May 2024
  • 3 Iyyar 5784
  • 18th day of the Omer
  • הַיּוֹם שְׁמוֹנָה עָשָׂר יוֹם, שְׁהֵם שְׁנֵי שָׁבוּעוֹת וְאַרְבָּעָה יָמִים לָעֽוֹמֶר
  • Today is 18 days, which is 2 weeks and 4 days of the Omer
  • נֶּֽצַח שֶׁבְּתִּפאֶרֶת
  • Netzach sheb’Tiferet
  • Eternity within Beauty


I mentioned in previous posts that the above quote from HebCal is the official 7×7 grid of days within days of concepts around the Sphirot is citing the official story, as it were, of traditional Jewish ideas (each week being nested in one of either gvurah/strength, chesed/mercy, etc in the traditional view) by the folks of Hebcal, and my own system is mentioned, first, in a post some years ago, with my own personal 7×7 concept of non-official ideas:

This week my focal concept is Health Care for everyone, particularly on the public health care system. Since this is day 4 of this week, it intersects with public transportation, thus making this particular day a day of focus on public health care as it hits the public needs for transportation accessibility in order get to accessible health care services. But the two ideas also interwine in that transportation all by itself relates to health, especially when a sensitive person spends lots of time stuck in traffic jams watching other drivers being unkind to one another, and also to the pedestrians. The stress of driving, traffic, and having to keep up with the needs of owning a car can also take a toll on a person’s health, no?

I see that I missed the green on the Transportation row for this post, but I don’t have time to fix the image before scheduling it just yet, as I need to run, but the next day’s image will hopefully be corrected, if I have time to Do Better.

Shabbat Shalom, and Choose Life for all of Humanity,


Health in Health Day 17

Finishing the Week of Parashat K’doshim During Sphirat HaOmer

Today is Erev Shabat, and thus still Day 17 of the Omer, thank you HebCal. This week’s parshah will be read for the third and final time this year tomorrow morning, but I still find the verse

“do not stand idly by while the blood of your neighbor is shed “

to be the most powerful verse in the parashah, personally.

That counting of the seven weeks from Pesach to Shavuot (Passover to Pentacost), on the official 7×7 grid of days within days of concepts around the Sphirot is cited with the official ideas (each week being nested in one of either gvurah/strength, chesed/mercy, etc in the traditional view) by the folks of Hebcal, and my own system is mentioned, first, in a post some years ago, with my own personal 7×7 concept of non-official ideas:

  1. empathy

2. housing

3. health care

4. transportation

5. hope

6. libraries

7. free legal consumer education for ending poverty-related debt traps

I am creating a spreadsheet with colors that I add each day, as I have time, similar to what Birgit and I started yesterday, as shown in the Featured Image above.

For, with, and because of all of our well-pondered ideas, Project Do Better aims to contribute tools for current and future use that can help all of humanity reach all of our goals, both as individual people, and as an entire united HumanKind.

Shabbat Shalom, and (as Rigoberta Menchu Tum said) Salud Para Todos,


On Empathy, Smoking, and Suicide the Week of Parashat K’doshim During the Omer

This post began over a year ago, and has sat in my drafts folder awaiting the time to be edited and posted. Both due to lack of time in my life for any writing, and also due to the difficulty of dealing with this topic. This week, two things are happening that I feel are very important. First, this week is Parashat Kedoshim, the weekly Torah portion in which we read one of the verses which for me is what the Torah and all of human rights stands upon:

“do not stand idly by while the blood of your neighbor is shed “

I discussed this just a little bit a few years ago, but as I was also standing on one leg, probably hopping over a stumbling block, I did not have time to go into any details, then. The idea of not doing to your neighbor what is hateful to you, and also of not standing around allowing others to be harmed, goes together with not putting a stumbling block before the blind: they are things that anyone with empathy does not do to other human beings. We’ll get to the smoking and suicide after mentioning the second important thing going on this week.

That second thing is that this is also the period of the Omer. Now, the Jewish community is counting the days (even if some of us have lost the official count, already!) between the seven weeks from Pesach to Shavuot (Passover to Pentacost), and many are contemplating the official 7×7 grid of days within days of concepts around the Sphirot. I mentioned those official ideas (each week being nested in one of either gvurah/strength, chesed/merci, etc in the traditional view) in a post some years ago, and I also mentioned in that post my own personal 7×7 concept of non-official ideas:

  1. empathy

2. housing

3. health care

4. transportation

5. hope

6. libraries

7. free legal consumer education for ending poverty-related debt traps

What would be your seven concepts, Thoughtful Readers, for each week (and thus each day having your two concepts for your own 7×7 grid)?

Now, applying all of this to the problem of smoking and suicide, connecting the dots for those who have fewer allergies, here is how putting the stumbling block of body triggers in front of the life-blind, aka those who struggle with suicidal thoughts regularly, works. A non-empathetic smoker knows that a neighbor is allergic to smoke, but continues to smoke near the windows or doors anyway. That neighbor has then to deal with sudden intense heightening of the constant suicidal thoughts, every time smoke enters his or her space. If that smoke-allergic suicidal neighbor has no strong support system, this is a serious problem. For those with no family support and, such as those in the foster care system, orphans, or even people with nominal family, but who are effectively emotional orphans, such as children of addicts, children of narcissists, and children from abusive families or abusive family systems, there needs to be a way of replacing the nuclear and even immediate extended family with healthy support systems that act as family. That is where Phase II of Project Do Better comes in, with the Serving Adults who volunteer to find and support all of the vulnerable people, children and adults who want that help, by helping to deliver the necessities of life and also connect everyone with others seeking to build connections. Phase I, of course, works earlier on building up the existing public health care infrastructure, which is partly where this issue must be dealt with on the front lines, from smoking and vape prevention, to suicide counseling, to dealing with the physical traumas caused by the substances being put into the air by those smokers and vapers.

For all of these important reasons, Project Do Better aims to contribute tools for current and future use that can help all of humanity reach our collective goals, both as individual people, and as an entire united Homo Sapiens.

Greek Study Notes, Page 17,

     Multicolored light, more colors in sentences with lots of pen switching, and some really uninteresting videos that go with this outdated text book.  There is a much better set of free PDF transcripts (with English translation) that go with videos (or was it podcasts as mp3s?) from the Hellenic American Union, if only I had been able to tell my classmates about that site.  Also, trying to take notes in several languages is generally a no-go in an in person class, and although almost all of my classmates claimed to speak Spanish, the idea of using a few Spanish verbs when learning our verbal groups, rather than, or in addition to writing the English translation, also went over like a lead balloon. (If you do speak Spanish, btw, I think I have already mentioned the free YouTube series by Jaunjo Fantoso covering a good deal of Greek, not to be confused with his later Academy videos, which I think require payment, but I’m not sure…)  It’s a shame, because the class really could have been much more interesting.  The way, in fact, that the highly entertaining free Esperanto language teaching series, Teoria Nakamura, on Lernu sets up all of the lessons is both hilarious and highly effective at getting the language (Esperanto, in this case, but the technique is applicable to any language) learning moving quickly and keeping it really fun.  In fact, Esperanto takes a few ideas from Greek, as well as from Hebrew, and even from Turkish, or at least from the Altaic language family, so it is a very interesting language.

     Coming back to modern Greek, on the flip side of this notes page, about my horrendous attempt at drawing a dollar sign to represent money (which is lefta = λεφτά ), 17flip  I will admit that this particular word did not stick until a Greek friend used it in a sentence while speaking with me, and then reprimanded me for forgetting the word, since it is such a basic word, and he knew that our class had already (or ought to have) learned it by that time.  That worked.  I was so embarrassed that I never forgot the word after that, when I heard it spoken!  Nevertheless, this is not a tactic (embarrassing a person in order to teach vocabulary) that I would recommend using for language learning.  Stories give enough exposure to words in context that reading or watching videos really helps.  Like watching Sihirli Annem on Turkish Tuesdays (sorry, some of my older Greek friends, I do love that show, and no, Greek friends, you will *not* catch fire and burn if you watch an episode of this show, even in Turkish!!!) helped make Turkish language learning a lovely experience for me.

Still, pretty neat.



Click on the main menu, above this article, and follow the sub-menus to pages with more links to other articles on learning in various ways, all related to Project Do Better as an umbrella project for the Abolition movement, to find ways of learning for citizenship and for sharing:

Learning through story:

                                                   Babylon5, Hakan: Muhafiz/The Protector, Sihirli Annem,  Lupin,  La Casa de Papel/Money Heist, or El Ministerio del Tiempo Reviews,


Learning via Holistic College Algebra & GED/High School Lesson Plans,


 Learning from Long Range Nonfiction, or Historical Fiction Writing as a means of learning languages, thanks to a character of mine, Sally, who wants to learn “the Grecian language” in order to read the New Testament greek_new_testament_28163829 in the original written Ancient Greek of the Septuagint ( and this Historical Fiction Writing posts page also links to my series of articles on novel writing, and also links to one of my novels still in progress, including my prequel series in honor of

A. M. Weems,

Ann & Anna:  maria_weems_escaping_in_male_attire_28page_220_crop29 …)

     Thoughtful Readers, please consider sharing with the #ProjectDoBetter  about how you most enjoy learning languages, or other subjects, and how that learning helps you to become more compassionate, and maybe even more empathetic, over time.

Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil, MAT, BSCS

aka Shira, or:


Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.