Tag Archives: LesIntouchables

French Empathy Fridays, Connâitre ses Droits et éviter les Proces… Know Your Rights & Avoid Trial…

How can empathy help avoid trial?  By helping to make sure that everyone knows the basics of the legal system, their rights, and local facts about Pre-Trial Interventions/Diversions, for starters.  Clearly, there are other ways that our criminal justice system also needs to be upgraded, but this basic education would be an easy set of tools to add to our collective citizenship toolbox, for every person.

The common good, or the general welfare, is also tied up with Lupin (!), and with on-going legal & financial pro-bono education (aka Adulting Education), which must become more fully inclusive for all of us.

Click here for English…

“ -C’est quoi ça?
-Votre côte sur le marché de l’art: 11.000 euros”

Mais si Driss n’avait-t-il pas d’argent ? Et s’ils lui avaient arrêtaient dans la misère ? Aux États-Unis il y à une moyen d’éviter les procès mais qui coute cher, selon l’état dans on aura le procès. C’est mon espoir qu’on peut avoir des changements de cette politique, avec l’aide des citoyens Américains, et aussi ce de nos amis.

“ -What’s this?
-That’s what you’re worth on the art market: 11,000 Euros.”

But what about before Driss had that money? What if he’d been arrested utterly poor?  My comments on this issue a year or two ago were in similar spirit, but not quite clear enough, it seems (this post is an update of one written a few years ago…)

In many states, programs do exist to help first time offenders avoid trial and charges. But, the problem is that Pre-trial Diversion or Intervention programs, as they are known, are often unfair to the poor, as in MD  (this is a pdf document issued after a study of various counties in Maryland…) and many other states: perpetuating the unfair and even cruel act of charging money that some people simply cannot afford to pay, or even not have, in order to avoid going to jail, when those who are able to raise that money get off nearly scott free.  My urgent immediate short-term policy suggestion is that all counties in the USA emulate the policy of “Cook County … in Chicago, where defendants are not charged a fee”  for Pre-Trial service programs.   Then, my long-term policy recommendation is that we strengthen our freely available legal services and Pro-Bono Legal Aide availability dramatically, maybe even requiring ALL lawyers and law firms to offer at least 20% of their time or services free to lower and middle income residents, and that each state, and county and territory or District should offer free continuing education in financial and consumer education, including the all too rarely taught rights in each state regarding debt, housing, health care and also criminal law. Both short-term and long-term approaches are needed, immediately.

Toward “…justice for all.”

, Phase I (poverty abolition)  DoBetterCover   of 

So, it turns out that knowing what bits of legal information change from state to state is also important, as is knowing that one must actively defend against an expired medical or other type of debt, even if it is time-barred (or past the SoL), illogical as that may seem…

Action Items:

1.) Share two different sources giving the different Statutes of Limitations (SoL) for your state, or District,

2.) Share your thoughts on how changing those SoLs might help, or hinder,  allowing people to climb out of debt,

3.) Write a book, story, blog post or tweet that uses that information and your thoughts. If you write a book, once published, please consider donating to your local public library.

Dear Readers, ideas on learning, especially multiple , on-going education and empathy-building, to , ,   & achieve freedom for All HumanKind?


Click here to read about:

B5, Hakan:Muhafiz/The Protector,  Lupin, or La Casa de Papel (Money Heist) reviews

Holistic High School Lessons,

           or Long Range Nonfiction, or Historical Fiction

Thoughtful Readers, please consider following   #ProjectDoBetter.


Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

French Fridays and education for problem-solving

Here is where I am in my study of written French this week, which is actually listening, since I’m listening to LivreVox.org, as volunteers read books in the Public Domain, as this one by Dumas, right now.  I have finally reviewed this book, as I finished it some years later!

My notes from the past week:

October 20, 2020 –40.0% “”L’homme propose, et l’argent dispose !”
Bien lu !
“Man proposes and money disposes!”
Well read!”
October 20, 2020 –41.0%”Romeo and juliet across two different generations!! And, delicious dramatic irony…”
October 20, 2020 –43.0%”Fin de Ch. 52: on vas se tuer qui ?”
October 21, 2020 –50.0% “Le Testament : je sais que ce livre est déjà la lecture obligatoire dans les lieux francophones, mais ce chapitre doives aussi être Aux États-Unis.
The Will: I know that this book is required reading for French speakers, but this chapter should also be required reading in the United States.”

So, it turns out that there are ingenious ways to communicate with, or rather to be communicated with by, paralytics, even before the high technology that allowed the rich aristocrat from the film Intouchables to communicate (oops, sorry, he could still talk, unlike, I think, the late genius Steven Hawking).  More on my continuing striving with French next week, friends:

Yassas,   γεια σας!    Salût !  Nos vemos!  Görüşürüz!     ! שָׁלוֹם

Action Items in support of literacy and hope that you can take right now:

1.) Search for two different resources to translate the word “communicate” into French.

2.)  Share your thoughts on how you like each of the resources you found,

4.) Write a book, story, blog post, or tweet that uses a French word.


Click here to read, if you like:

B5, Hakan:Muhafiz/The Protector, Lupin, or Money Heist Reviews,

Holistic High School Lessons,

Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil, MAT, BsCs

Creative Commons License
Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.