Harry Belafonte and Novel Ideas

   The death of this important activist, actor, and singer, should be noted and remembered.  His work, his music, and his life were a large part of  what we stand upon.

   An idea came to me earlier today, and  I wonder how he would have liked it:

    Since France has self-cleaning, yes, automatic self-cleaning public restrooms, why not make and place many more of them around the highways with a metal shelf for a sleeping bag or bed roll? That way every independent small restroom with a bed shelf becomes an automatic overnight private bedroom with bath.

     May his life be remembered with honor, and may his work go on, for all of us.


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     Thinking Readers, please consider reading about #ProjectDoBetter.    We really can Do Better.

Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil, MAT, BSCS


Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

About ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Shira Destinie Jones is founder of #ProjectDoBetter, a long term plan proposal for community building, and a published poet, academic author, and advocate for improving our #PublicDomainInfrastructure. Her other book, Stayed on Freedom's Call, on Black-Jewish Cooperation in DC, is freely available via the Internet Archive. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations, and is a native of Washington, DC. She promotes peaceful planning, NVC and the Holocene Calendar, and is also a writer. More information at https://shiradest.wordpress.com/

15 thoughts on “Harry Belafonte and Novel Ideas

  1. Even putting a bank of portable toilets alongside every homeless encampment, and cleaning them daily, would do wonders for people’s dignity.


      1. Being as a lot of tent cities are temporary, and many people prefer them to stable housing, to me this should be a necessity.
        One of the big problems with social programmes is not finding out what homeless people really want. Some would love stable housing, some would hate it. We CANNOT tell them what we want them to do, we need to do what they want to have done for them. Conservative govtnments, especially, need to be in charge. A lot of people are homeless because they need to feel in charge. The two don’t mix.


        1. Exactly.

          Very true, people do need to feel in control of their own lives. A lot has to change before that can happen (which is why the Tiny Condo proposal in Project Do Better waits until Phase III).

          NPR ran an article about a non profit somewhere that is sending volunteers into homeless encampments to work one-on-one with people and ask what they want and need, but the project is so small, and obviously needs funding, that it will be a while before it spreads, if it does.


            1. Just needs sharing but I am exhausted, and obviously connecting issues likes homes for all, health care for all, transportation, etc, in all 50 states cannot be done alone, so I hope that someone will continue to share Project Do Better, or at least some similar plan proposal.


            2. No time to chill, I need to find others to start community work on Project Do Better in each state (and DC, and also Guam, Samoa, PR, and the US Virgin Isl.) before I am no longer able to contribute to the Project. But I also need to write my novels (but the Project is the obvious priority, as my novels are just *my* novels, whereas the Project can help alot more people).


  2. I am all for the restrooms, but separate from the baths, so that other bypassing travellers also can use them.
    I was a great fan of Harry Belafonte, and I still have a record with him and Miriam Makeba together, two great activists.


    1. Yes, I meant in addition. These are meant to be large numbers of Sanisettes both at rest stops and also (especially) enough for each of the people at the Homeless Encampments, or by the tents that people often set up along the roads.


      I recall much talk of Harry Belafonte back in the 1980’s, but not much since. I had no idea how active he’d been in organizing The March on Washington, nor in current activism (even criticizing some younger Black celebrities for not doing much…)

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Ah, yes, Harry Belafonte did much work in the background, and later much more visibly as well. We need more people like him, who understand the importance of integrating all aspects of our lives, entertainment, transportation, health care, etc, into the work of changing this world into one that works for all of us.

          Liked by 1 person

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