Who By Fire, Scene 29/46 on Day 29 of the Omer, Nearing End of Cautionary Tale Subplot

     This is the 29th day of Counting the Social Justice Omer, and what can be more on topic than preventing the selling of a woman into bondage?

     This scene was not meant to be drafted yet, since the scene before it is still only in the planning stages, but I found, as I planned out and then drafted my Rough Draft, that some scenes came far more easily than others.  After a while, when I saw that happen, or if I got stuck on an earlier planned scene, I just let myself go ahead and start drafting the next scene, knowing that it might have to be thrown out and rewritten entirely, if it didn’t jibe with the earlier scenes that I had not written, or even planned out fully, yet.

Who By Fire rough draft,  mostly written in ’20:


                                                                            scene 29/46 (Minnie4/5)

Purpose:MinnieMidpntContinuesHerFallIntoAbyss; StoryPart:MiddleActII

setting: time, AfterKillerStorm18Aug New Info: …

This scene really gets going with her plummet into her abyss (maybe rejecting chance at redemption?)…

she wanst to find a reason to spend time with Isaias

Heading to Balt. AME on way back from running errand down to Annapolis delivring ‘special order’

show her jealousy of Lucy’s weaving skills (‘Can’t I spin cotton, too? Just as good as her? What do I need a weaver for? People need clothes they already got washed more! But I need a rest, already got this nagging cold, got to hack up a lung for anybody to believe me!’)

she felt the words, more than she heard them, in her dream: “Isaias wants you. And he is your man.”

she washed her face again, trying to get that spot off of her forehead. She wondered if it was the first sign of a pox, decided to put some lemon on it. (hypochondriac??) that way it also kept her skin looking fresh and light.

Isaias had looked at her with the deepest contempt, asking, “shan’t I ignore you?”

what if this white man really does buy that Lucy? Then were will I be? Oh, no, that will not come to pass. My dreams of my man are real, they are signs, prophecies. He is mine, and no damned fool is going to get in my way. They will both just have to go. And she sent the msg to JPM.

gets info. To JPM to get him there sooner than expected/intended: tells JPM that I. has a buyer for Lucy and maybe even also Johnny.

gets him there sooner

-gets Martin beaten senseless

Like I always say, ain’t I right, ain’t nobody worth nothing. Not a thing. I have always said that.

*** (end of scene 29/46, Minnie4)

Yes, Minnie has said that, repeatedly.  This mirror plot, or cautionary ‘wretched excess’ plot, just did not work for me as I had hoped it would.

***end of  Scene from very Rough Draft , Who By Fire



Click on the ShiraDest website main menu to find other pages, including:

Learning via Holistic College Algebra & GED/High School Lesson Plans,


 Learning from Long Range Nonfiction, or Historical Fiction Writing (including explanation of Who By Fire…)  whobyfireiwilltmpcover

     Thoughtful Readers, please consider reading about #ProjectDoBetter.

Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil, MAT, BSCS

This project of ShiraDest Publishing, and Shira Destinie Jones’ Rough Draft of Who By Fire is All Rights Reserved to the author, (Copyright 2023).

About ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Shira Destinie Jones is founder of #ProjectDoBetter, a long term plan proposal for community building, and a published poet, academic author, and advocate for improving our #PublicDomainInfrastructure. Her other book, Stayed on Freedom's Call, on Black-Jewish Cooperation in DC, is freely available via the Internet Archive. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations, and is a native of Washington, DC. She promotes peaceful planning, NVC and the Holocene Calendar, and is also a writer. More information at https://shiradest.wordpress.com/

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