Turkish Tuesday, Sihirli Annem (My Magical Mom) s1e44: Sorry Because…

The episode begins with Dudu looking for a recipe to cook something for Kendal when he visits, and Taci being very angry about this, since in twenty years, Dudu never cooked anything for him. During the argument, Dudu actually hits Taci, and then has all of her magical abilities taken away, by Perihan, until Taci forgives her. This, everyone knows, will take a very long time, but all of the fairies, including even our rebellious little youngest fairy with the strawberry hair, agree not to help Dudu with any magic until Dudu apologizes to Taci. Our little rebel is still angry with her aunt Eda over Yavuz, howerver, as she reminds her. What a cheeky little child!

Meanwhile, in the family home, Firuze is frustrated with the backed up kitchen sink. This gives Avni the excuse to come over with his tools and help with the sink while looking at the house, hoping to surprise a fairy while doing magic. At the office, Sadık explains to Yavuz that as a family man, he does not have the luxury, as Yavuz does, of goofing off at work and leaving early whenever he likes. Yavuz is not impressed. The young man also disputes strongly with his father, Kendal, over their relationships with the ladies, Dudu and Eda. Meanwhile, as Dudu needs help doing pretty much everything, as she was accustomed to depending on her magical abilities for everything from cooking to cleaning to makeup, Avni cooks up a scheme to disguise himself as a cleaning lady and get into the castle to do Dudu’s cleaning and cooking before Kendal’s visit. Taci relents, feeling sorry enough for Dudu, to allow Eda to change the castle into a house just before the human beings arrive, Avni as Avniye Hanim, and Kendal for dinner. Unfortunately for Dudu, Suzan finds out about this new cleaning lady, decides to visit Dudu’s home to find out where Avni has gotten himself off to, and confirms that in fact the new cleaning lady is none other than Avni in disguise, setting off a huge fight that is still in progress when Kendal arrives. While all of this goes on, I love how we see the kids all sitting around the TV watching a Harry Potter film during a Quidditch match! We also see how the occasional flashbacks to the old life of Avni and Suzan help show us now why Avni knows how to cook, clean, and even sew a bit, as he used to help Suzan with all of these things back before they won all of their money. As the house descends into absolute chaos while Avni tries to escape from his wife’s temper, Kendal arrives, and Dudu breaks down crying, after Taci tells everyone for the fourth or fifth time that Dudu will never apologize. His words are immediately followed by the appearance of Perihan, who explains to the fairies present, as they have frozen the human beings so that they can deal with the chaos, that Dudu is in tears because

“Pişman olmayı başladı. / She is starting to be sorry.”

Yes, she is clearly sorry, but it seems to me that this is what we used to call being ‘sorry because you got caught’ rather than actually being sorry for having laid violent hands on poor Taci. What do you think, gang?

About ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Shira Destinie Jones is founder of #ProjectDoBetter, a long term plan proposal for community building, and a published poet, academic author, and advocate for improving our #PublicDomainInfrastructure. Her other book, Stayed on Freedom's Call, on Black-Jewish Cooperation in DC, is freely available via the Internet Archive. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations, and is a native of Washington, DC. She promotes peaceful planning, NVC and the Holocene Calendar, and is also a writer. More information at https://shiradest.wordpress.com/

2 thoughts on “Turkish Tuesday, Sihirli Annem (My Magical Mom) s1e44: Sorry Because…

  1. Dudu seems sorry, but usually she is sorry for herself only, when things go bad for her because of her own wrongdoing. But the latter she will never admit, will she? Eda seems to enjoy her mother’s mishap tremendously, who can blame her?

    I loved to see Avni as Avniye.

    For Kendal it is “meet the family”. I wonder if he will continue to court Dudu after that.


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