Wondering Wednesdays, Baby Acres, Chapter 1, part IV: The End (Goal)

This post finishes the rough draft of  Chapter 1 of my non-fiction WiP, Baby Acres.  This is all of outline section IV, chapter 1, end of chapter 1.  (This book has now been published, free to communities…)

This section is about 1100 words long, as I wanted each chapter section to be.

And still again, by way of disclaimer, the overall goal is now to explain why we need both equ. + justice, & why in 4 phases.  This chapter will transition to a chapter (2-5) for each phase, showing what Phases I-IV could look like as part of a possible roadmap for a fully inclusive society for all of us.  This vision is laid out in the hope that All HumanKind  will eventually have each person’s basic needs  met, without taking anything from anyone, and without violence, intimidation, nor coercion of any kind. 

Chapter One, section IV:

(section III was last week…)


chapter 1,  IV:  Where the Final Stage fits into the whole Vision

IV. A.

The first stage of this project, , lays the crucial initial groundwork for the final stage.  To quote S. Covey, one should “begin with the end in mind.”  This principle led to the imagining and creation of four distinct stages for the project, with each stage separated by 15 years.  But the idea for the final stage came first.  The end goal of this project is to build a plan that would implement all 4 of FDR’s stated freedoms, in a phased in program that builds a movement across about the next 60 years or so.  Thus, the concept of a set of safeguards, involving both physical and cultural infrastructure, began with enough for all, and followed a process which many will recognize as reverse engineering, to trace a workable path from a time in the future in which all come into this world with enough to have a basic start in life, to the present day, in which we have many problems to solve before such a path can become fully viable.  That is not to say that the path is impossible, nor that that path will be easy, but with enough empathy, and with enough cooperative and critical thinking, we can make it work.  The first requirement in that problem-solving pathway from here to there is the implementation of a robust and fully safe and accessible set of critical infrastructure systems, which starts in Phase I, and prepares the way for Phase II, always with the end goal in mind.

IV. B.

The infrastructure upgrades in the first stage make space for the beginning of crucial cultural upgrades which start in the second phase.  Those cultural changes in Phase II make further space for larger infrastructure and cultural upgrades in the third stage, which sets the stage for the final goal to become reachable, in Phase IV.  But without the initial preparation, on the part of every Adult in society, it will be more difficult to attain either the knowledge or the critical thinking skills needed to move forward to the third stage.  The prerequisites to the Adulthood Rite of Passage provide a baseline for minimal skill sets that allow everyone to understand and debate a wide variety of ideas in a manner that can be both civil and efficient.  Those skills will be necessary to the empathetic consensus-building work of progressing through the third stage, and preparing for the fourth and final stage.  Working on the assumption that every human being is entitled to security of life, limb, and person, the work of those who accept the Adulthood Challenge will be to take an active and immediately measurable part in the building of a new education infrastructure that ensures that each person has all of the resources needed to defend every human being financially, emotionally, and physically, including oneself.  From that point, a variety of new possibilities opens up, including both those possible soon to be universally accessible tools and resources in the third stage, and those possible future universally accessible tools and resources in the fourth and final stage.

IV. C.

As Phase II built a cultural platform for further progression, so the Three Universals of Phase III will open up space on that platform for tools that will allow us to finally answer the challenge laid down by President FDR.  With most of the basic needs of even those born with no  boat to be lifted by President Kennedy’s rising tide able to be met by the end of Phase III, only one remains.  Freedom from Fear cannot be achieved without housing security.  Housing security cannot be achieved without some way of guaranteeing a minimal level of safe housing regardless of market fluctuations.  Thus, as will be expanded upon in Chapter 5, either a small parcel of land, or a Tiny Home, bedsit, or other means of assuring basic housing, is necessary to each person.  Land has always been seen as a means of granting of freedom and security.  With just a bit of land, and a very basic shelter on which to put it, Phase IV completes the work of ensuring that each person can contribute in the way that best fits that person, from a place of basic human dignity, rather than starting from a hole, as the most vulnerable in our society currently do.  With full basic health care, even basic food like beans, rice, and greens, and safe, clean and reliable public transportation, we can alleviate the fear and encourage the contribution of every member of our society.  Some specific tools for finding the land, housing, and food that can ensure the creativity released when all are freed from fear will be discussed in Chapter 10.

IV. D.

During Phase IV,(With 40-60 years of steps in between…), we hope to see:

1. Each child, at birth, receives one acre of land, non-alienable. The person may rent, lend or swap the land, but always remains the owner of the land or the swapped parcel. Where ever the location, it should have a well and be arable. (This way, at a minimum, every person on the planet will own at least one acre of land, free and clear, with no way to lose it…)

2. Beans, Rice, local Greens, and enough fresh drinking/cooking water, and fresh or filtered salt water for bathing for every individual person;

3. Free Bedsit or Tiny House for each individual person, accessible from the time a child can safely (independently) cook an egg;

4. Each family should have a book in the local public library, containing the autobiography of every adult in the family (which means that each person needs free time and the means to write his or her autobiography).

5. Each ADULT is both:

  1. trained to serve in the national protection forces (police or military), and
  2. prepared to rotate, if called upon, into a limited time term of either Jury Duty, city, state, or federal level government duty as a local/state or federal Representative or Senator, Governor, or cabinet member. A system of sortition could gradually replace elections for the House of Representatives and state assembly lower chambers, followed by the upper chambers and executive level elected positions via IRV/Ranked Choice Voting, as the national educational system evens up in quality across the country.

Getting there from … some point in the future, is the work of this project.  Chapters 2-5 will show what this world could look like, while chapters 7-10 will show both suggested/possible paths to get there, as well as examples of previous or current implementations of parts of these suggestions/projects/programs.

The first stage, envisioned as a fifteen year period of both public empathy-building and public social infrastructure building, begins the entire process that will lead to the fourth stage, and will now be examined in greater detail, in Chapter 2.


— (Next Wednesday: Chapter 2 …)

I’m considering this Rough Draft as the block of clay from which my book will eventually emerge, obviously, and some ideas for phases III and IV are still becoming more  fixed in my mind as I write, so the final version will likely look pretty different from this Rough Draft, and will need updating once I get to the very end.

And once again, yeayyy( !!)with regard to audience, I may have at least a couple of comps:  Walden Two meets The War on Poverty: A Civilian Perspective (by Dr.s Jean and Edgar Cahn, 1964).  I know that lots of people consider Skinner’s writing to be stilted, but I like the tilt of most reviewers, in that the idea is that a community should keep trying policies that members agree upon until they find what works for all of them.

As for genre, I’m still wondering:  Non-fiction,   System Change, Causes, maybe even Inspirational, but I doubt it.

Last week’s installment of this series…

Action Items:

1.) Consider some ideas you may have on housing security, or the lack thereof, and how our society move solve that problem in 45 60 years,

2.) Share them with us in the comments, here, please, and

3.) Write a story, post or tweet that uses those sources and your thoughts.

Dear Readers, ideas on learning, especially multiple , on-going education and empathy-building, to , & achieve freedom for All HumanKind?

Support our key #PublicDomainInfrastructure  & at LEAST for CCOVID-19:
1. ,
2. legal aid and Education,
3. , and
4. good



Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil

our year 2020 CE =  12020 HE


Stayed on Freedom’s Call
includes two ‘imagination-rich’ walking tours, with songs, of Washington, DC. New interviews and research are woven into stories of old struggles shared by both the Jewish and African-American communities in the capital city.

Shared histories are explored from a new perspective of cultural parallels and parallel institution-building which brought the two communities together culturally and historically.


Shira Destinie Jones by ShiraDest Publishing is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

About ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Shira Destinie Jones is founder of #ProjectDoBetter, a long term plan proposal for community building, and a published poet, academic author, and advocate for improving our #PublicDomainInfrastructure. Her other book, Stayed on Freedom's Call, on Black-Jewish Cooperation in DC, is freely available via the Internet Archive. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations, and is a native of Washington, DC. She promotes peaceful planning, NVC and the Holocene Calendar, and is also a writer. More information at https://shiradest.wordpress.com/

13 thoughts on “Wondering Wednesdays, Baby Acres, Chapter 1, part IV: The End (Goal)

  1. Solar, wind, and pedal power: every single building we build should have them.

    As the northern Europeans seem to be doing, building rail and cycling lanes as new housing is planned is key, whether in 1-acre Tiny Home lots on stilts, as described in Chapter 10 (which I am now going to change to a suggested possible Phase V, rather than the end goal of phase IV), or in condos, etc.

    Every single building we build, whether offices, homes, or recreation and shopping, should have rail and cycle paths laid first.

    Liked by 2 people

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