Greek Study Notes, Page 19 Getting There On Mass Transit, Omer Day 26

     Now, we’re finally getting somewhere.  It takes a bit of perseverance, when learning a language, to get to a point where it begins to pay off.   This page finally gets to the last of the verbal groups, and to the future tense in modern Greek!  At last.  Now, the world is your Greek oyster, fellow language learners.  I’m kind of surprised that the book waited so long to introduce the various propositions that go along with the accusative (objects) case, even if I can see how many learners might find the number of prepositions in modern Greek to be a little challenging, they all make perfect sense in the context of a sentence.  It does become a lot to remember, but that is where story comes in.  And it is the preposition that gets us there!  🙂

  Pretty cool, huh?  I think so, at least.

This Greek language learning post, which started out because I wanted to learn Ancient Greek in order to read the Septuagint, but then switched to learning modern Greek due to my involvement with the Greek community, dove-tails nicely with today, the 26th Day of the Omer, which focuses in on the ideas of how language learning inspires hope for the world, and also for the person learning a new language, and as learning a language collides with public transportation!  🙂  Craig/Channon, ZL’B (may his memory continue to be a blessing) of The Hav (aka Chavurat Shalom, or Havurat Shalom, in Somerville, MA, aka the little yellow house on college avenue”) forced me, twenty years ago, now, almost, in 2005, to expand my learning of Turkish as I lived in Izmir, by challenging me to translate his (clean!) travel limerick into Turkish!  Since we were on a city bus at the time, I asked a neighbor for help, as one does in Turkey, and within a few minutes, nearly everyone on the entire bus was helping us translate this set of verses from English into Turkish!

Hope, of course, is generated for our entire world as people learn new languages and reach out to talk with and understand one another, connecting with each other, and with the rest of the world simultaneously.  This is easily done by using public transportation and either getting lost, telling stories, or asking for help translating bad poetry!  Thanks again, Channon!  He also reported back to other Havniks about his stay in Izmir (both times), calling  us ‘The Hav, East!’ in his messages! Thus, day 26 of the Omer, 5784,

ShiraDest26OmerLangsMassTransit this year, is dedicated to his memory.  Language learning does promote hope, and so does efficient, clean, accessible public transportation.

Shavuah Tov,



Click on the ShiraDest menu above for:

Learning through story:

                                                   Babylon5, Hakan: Muhafiz/The Protector, Sihirli Annem,  Lupin,  La Casa de Papel/Money Heist, or El Ministerio del Tiempo Reviews,


Learning via Holistic College Algebra & GED/High School Lesson Plans,


 Learning from Long Range Nonfiction, or Historical Fiction Writing (including Ann & Anna…)

     Thoughtful Readers, please consider sharing with the #ProjectDoBetter  about how you most enjoy learning languages, or other subjects, and how that learning helps you to become more compassionate, and maybe even more empathetic, over time.

Shira Destinie A. Jones, MPhil, MAT, BSCS

aka Shira, or:


Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

About ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Shira Destinie Jones is founder of #ProjectDoBetter, a long term plan proposal for community building, and a published poet, academic author, and advocate for improving our #PublicDomainInfrastructure. Her other book, Stayed on Freedom's Call, on Black-Jewish Cooperation in DC, is freely available via the Internet Archive. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations, and is a native of Washington, DC. She promotes peaceful planning, NVC and the Holocene Calendar, and is also a writer. More information at

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