Do Better, 3rd Draft, finally done

This makes it readable!


I still need more eyes on this (the now published book is here…) 4th Draft, if Beta Readers would like to volunteer. Dying to finish and release this book so I can get back to doing my own personal part of Project Do Better: writing historical fiction!!


Click here to read, if you like:

Narrative and Prose Nonfiction,     

Holistic High School Lessons,

           or Historical Fiction Serial Stories


Shira Destinie Jones’ work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

About ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Shira Destinie Jones is founder of #ProjectDoBetter, a long term plan proposal for community building, and a published poet, academic author, and advocate for improving our #PublicDomainInfrastructure. Her other book, Stayed on Freedom's Call, on Black-Jewish Cooperation in DC, is freely available via the Internet Archive. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations, and is a native of Washington, DC. She promotes peaceful planning, NVC and the Holocene Calendar, and is also a writer. More information at

51 thoughts on “Do Better, 3rd Draft, finally done

  1. Why does Paige 218 remind me of JJ’s slip of the tongue back on Good Times when they went to dinner with a lady who was rumored to eat dog food because she was elderly and couldn’t afford to buy food so as he’s asked to say grace he opens the prayer with:
    “The Lord is my German Shepherd…”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wonder how many people remember this scene, or this show?

      More to the point, I wonder if anyone remembers how terrible it was hearing about old folks not having enough to eat.


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