Livre: Pourquoi je hais l’indifférence par Gramsci, Antonio, et les bibliothèques


J’avais trouvée cet livre dans la bib. publique:

Même s’il écrivait in 1917, plusieurs pages m’ont frappé

comment toujours pertinentes aujourd’hui:

P. 34: Fable d’Ésope “L’aigle, le laie et la chatte”

P. 35 “le comprendre pour tenter de le modifier.”

et “La colère, instrument des puissants, arme des faibles”

P. 38 Il faut:

1. Sentir l’indignation (pour l’injustice)

2. Penser aux causes fondamentales, et

3. Imaginer les solutions

P. 55 “L’indifférence … les décourage jusqu’à les faire

renoncer parfois à leur entreprise héroïque.”

P. 196 “Trois années de guerre… Nous voyons des hommes …

là où hier nous ne voyions que des états ou des individus


P. 200 “Nous avançons par intuitions plus que par

raisonnements;” Oui, ça fait difficile coordonner les efforts.

P. 204 Est-ce que c’est vrai: oublier les mots -> oublier

les choses?

Des Pages 110-112, Gramsci faisait l’éloge d’un roman par

H.G. Wells, chose qui m’encourage. Malgré mes usages des

travaux de Gramsci dans ma thèse et dans ma vie perso, je

m’avais demandé, en lisant ce livre, comme puis j’apprendre

inspirer les gens d’aider aux autrui atteindre leur plein

potentielle au lieu de railler contre eux qui n’aident pas.


8,8,12015 ère Holocène/Human Era

   Salût ! 

Choses à Faire: 

1.) Pense à une chose que te mets en colère.

2.) Cherches aux possible causes.

3.) Partage ces posibilités avec nous.

About ShiraDestProjectDoBetter

Shira Destinie Jones is founder of #ProjectDoBetter, a long term plan proposal for community building, and a published poet, academic author, and advocate for improving our #PublicDomainInfrastructure. Her other book, Stayed on Freedom's Call, on Black-Jewish Cooperation in DC, is freely available via the Internet Archive. She has organized community events such as film discussions, multi-ethnic song events, and cooperative presentations, and is a native of Washington, DC. She promotes peaceful planning, NVC and the Holocene Calendar, and is also a writer. More information at

9 thoughts on “Livre: Pourquoi je hais l’indifférence par Gramsci, Antonio, et les bibliothèques

  1. You’e so energetic! How many people are involved n your site? There was one posting of yours that I thought must have been a mistake, from your job or something. You do write at a pretty high level (besides the French). Maybe you could–or have done– a very simple post telling how you developed your interests and how many are involved and a grass-roots explanation about what infrastrucure is and how it’s funded. As for reading a tragedy, I’m embarrassed to say sad stories haunt me so I try not to read books with very sad endings. After the investment in hours reading, to be left depressed is more than I can handle just now, along with being self-quarantined. Are the couple at the top of this blog relatives? I admire and support who you are and what you’re doing.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi, Nan:
      First, thank you very much for your encouragement and support! I really need and appreciate it.
      I don’t feel energetic right now! I’m so far behind on my daily blog posting goals this week, I’ve scheduled almost nothing!
      I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “How many people are involved n your site?”
      -Do you mean in terms of active readers who comment on my blog, or do you mean as in other writers?
      I am the only person writing (the only author) my blog, but I am going through and updating old posts and old journal entries, so my entries from 2004, etc, may look like a different writer.

      Hmmm: “…a very simple post telling how you developed your interests and how many are involved and a grass-roots explanation about what infrastrucure is and how it’s funded.”
      Sure, thank you for suggesting this. Let me ponder this, because it looks like you are suggesting several posts (my interest, PublicDomainInfrastructure…).
      I do have one general page on that subject:
      -but I’d love comments that page as to how I could further elaborate or simplify, if you can be more specific, please, Nan?

      And the couple on my background image (thank you for asking!!) are Marie and Adolphus Johnson, my adoptive great grandparents.

      Thanks again, Nan!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I’m looking forward to it….Are you connected with Gronda Morin? Her name flashed at the beginning of your post…My blog is taking me away from re-doing my transgender novel, so I may skip around with my time for a bit. I’d try and do D’verse more but keep missing the right Thursday….There was a site that continued comments but I can’t find it now. Do you know? …How are you liking the bible book so far? Sounds interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

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